Publishing, Promoting Your Research, and Building Your Reputation

This advisory service is available without charge to all UA faculty, regardless of discipline, status, or rank. For more information, contact Melody Herr ( at the Office of Scholarly Communications, University Libraries.

The Basic Package – Publishing Books and Journal Articles

  • Identifying suitable book publishers and journals
  • Preparing book proposals or articles
  • Walking through the publishing process – submitting the proposal or article, undergoing peer review, revising the manuscript, writing a response to reviews, negotiating a publishing agreement

The Enhanced Package – Building a Professional Reputation

Create a flexible, personalized strategic plan for building a professional reputation. This service includes the basic package but the scope expands beyond immediate project to long-term goals.

  • Identifying long-term career goals
  • Identifying both core and peripheral audiences as well as venues for reaching them
  • Cultivating opportunities to disseminate research and scholarship through blogs, webinars, conferences, local presentations; collaborating with University Relations
  • Promoting achievements by submitting work for awards, posting to social media, winning recognition from prestigious societies